Selasa, 30 April 2019 Beginner Book review Chess improvement Highly recommended Intermediate A guide to chess improvement YTRREFS During the past years, I have sporadically read Dan Heisman's old Novice nook articles . And they are really great. When I realized that...
Senin, 29 April 2019 Book review Intermediate Opening theory Think first or think later - part 2 YTRREFS This is a different kind of review. It's not just a review of one book, but two (actually three). Therefore, it's written in two par...
April 29, 2019 Book review Chess improvement Think first or think later? - part 1 YTRREFS This is a different kind of review. It's not just a review of one book, but two (actually three). Therefore, it's written in two par...
Senin, 22 April 2019 Advanced Beginner Book review Highly recommended Intermediate Middlegame Tactics It's your move YTRREFS This book came to my attention when reading Dan Heisman's book A Guide to Chess Improvement . Heisman recommends the "improvers...
Minggu, 21 April 2019 Book review Highly recommended Intermediate Middlegame What it takes YTRREFS Let me be honest; I fell for the title. It sort of promises to take your game to the next level, doesn't it? Also, I have read a few boo...
April 21, 2019 Beginner Book review Chess improvement Highly recommended Middlegame Strategy The best book for patzers? YTRREFS I have been playing chess since I was a kid, but until about 10 years ago (2009), I had not even considered reading chess books. For some...