Minggu, 16 Oktober 2022 Beginner Book review Highly recommended Intermediate Middlegame Strategy Soul food YTRREFS Pawns are the soul of chess. Who said that? I can't remember, but it was probably someone famous. Regardless of who said it first, many ...
Sabtu, 03 September 2022 Biography Book review The match of all time YTRREFS Fifty years have passed since the famous match that made Bobby Fischer the World Champion. Many books have been written about Firscher in ge...
Minggu, 24 Juli 2022 Beginner Book review Intermediate Tactics Sacs and Combos YTRREFS Every chess player will sooner or later get into a grappling match with a tactics book. But which book is the best? While there is no clear ...
Minggu, 03 Juli 2022 Advanced Book review Chess improvement Highly recommended Intermediate Middlegame Tactics Think like a Super-GM YTRREFS In my previous review I mentioned how I would like to see an improved version of The Improving Chess Thinker , and that a book had recently ...
Minggu, 03 April 2022 Beginner Chess improvement Intermediate Thinking about thinking YTRREFS How should you think during a chess game? This is a critical question. Chess is a thinking game, and therefore, improving your game means im...
Kamis, 10 Februari 2022 Beginner Book review Highly recommended Tactics Learn chess tactics YTRREFS Where should you turn for tactics training? This is a frequently occuring question, not only from beginners, but also from intermediate play...
Rabu, 27 Oktober 2021 Advanced Book review Chess improvement Game collection Intermediate Lessons with a Grandmaster YTRREFS If you had actual lessons with a grandmaster, would you be brave enough to publish the transcripts? Well, someone did. And that someone wrot...